Lion Air Group And National Airplane Maker PT DI

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Nowadays is greatest era of PT Dirgantara Indonesia as the only one local airplane maker nationwide and also in ASEAN neighborhood. The state-owned enterprise which is commonly called PT DI is currently actively securing many projects from Government itself and even foreign buyers ranging from Malaysia, and even South Korea.

In addition, one of fastest asia's growing airline Lion Air group which is recently well-known due to purchasing many airplanes from global airplane maker ranging from Boeing and also Airbus was recently stated that they were keen to buy airplanes from local airplane maker PT DI, they also stated that it is one of the way to support national airplane industry which is currently trying to ramp up after getting trouble in their financial system.

The step which was taken by Lion Air Group is like nice route for PT DI to expand their own business after getting special treatment from state owned enterprise in their funding. Lion Air Itself is planned to buy around 50 units of airplane N219 in the next 2 years. This plan also quite reinforces Lion Air Group as the largest carrier nationwide. And extending their shopaholic after acquiring many airplanes from Boeing and also Airbus.

Time goes by PT DI is increasingly becoming bigger and also much more healthy in their financial system due to bunch of orders. Other than from domestic buyers and foreign traditional buyers like Malaysia and South Korea, PT DI and government is also intensifying to promote their products into new market like in ASEAN neighborhood, Middle-East and even Africa.

PT DI should be taking major role over growing airplane passengers in Indonesia amid steady grow of Indonesia's economic. Indonesia which is the biggest archipelago economics world wide absolutely requires adequate air transportation to spur economics development across nation wide which is currently still having gap development.

PT DI should taking leverage this country as their potential market, small airplanes like N219 is so much match with our geographical which is made up of thousands islands. Before foreign airplane maker like ATR, Embraer and even from China's airplane maker catch this potential market, PT DI should be the first player.

Ragarding to what PT DI should do in the future, what Lion Air Group did is really nice to stimulate PT DI's growth. What Lion Air Group did is also good step in their business to catch potential market over indonesia's thousand islands. So, what we need is synergy over local airlines with local airplane maker in order to be "We All Rise"


  1. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Saya Ibu Nurhayati Sekeluarga Mengucapkan Banyak Terimah Kasih Kepada AKI BALAPATI Atas Bantuannya..
    Dulunya Saya Dengan Suami Saya Mati-Matian Mencari Uang Demi Membayar Hutang Dan Menyekolahkan Anak2 Kami..
    Suatu Hari Teman Saya Memberi Tahu Kepada Saya Dan Suami Saya Tentang Kaeahlian AKI BALAPATI Untuk Jalan Togel,Teman Saya Sudah 3X Di Bantu Oleh AKI BALAPATI Dan Alhamdulillah Angkanya Selalu Tembus..
    Akhirnya Teman Saya Memberi Nomor AKI BALAPATI Untuk Membantu Saya.. Tanpa Menunggu Lama Saya Langsung Menghubungi AKI BALAPATI Untuk Membantu Saya Untuk memberikan Angka Togel Yaitu 4D..
    Syukur Alhamdulillah Angka Yang AKI Berikan Benar-Benar Terbukti Tembus..
    Kini Impian Saya Selama Ini Telah Tercapai Dan Semua Hutang-Hutang Saya Kini Bisa Saya Lunaskan Serta Menyekolahkan Anak2 Kami. Ini Berkat Bantuan AKI BALAPATI..
    Bagi Saudara Yang Mengalami Kesulitan Masalah Hutang Dan Ekonomi Serta Membutuhkan Bantuan Tentang Angka Togel. Anda Bisa Meminta Bantuan Kepada AKI BALAPATI Dengan Menghubunginya Di Nomor;085-392-332-888. Terima Kasih AKI BALAPTI Atas semua yang anda berikan kepada saya…Angka Ritual Ghoib AKI Benar-benar Tembus 100%…mohon ma’af AKI BALAPTI ini pengalaman saya …waktu itu pernah saya meminta bantuan kepada seseorang yg mengaku pintar meramu angka toto…dan saya harus bayar untuk mendapatkan angkanya…sampai2 saya hutang sana ,hutang sini…tapi apa yg terjadi…angka yg saya terima tadi gak ada yang keluar…mampus dalam hati kecil saya..gmn saya harus bayar utang yang terlanjur menumpuk…hingga akhirnya saya di kasih info teman untuk mencoba menjadi Member di AKI BALAPATI Alhasil Angka Ritual Ghoib yang AKI kirim ternyata Jitu 100%..dan akhirnya terbayar sudah hutang2 saya….ini hanya sekedar pengalaman saya…untuk yang mau mencoba angka ghoib dari AKI BALAPATI tidak usah ragu-ragu…karena saya udah merasakannya…terima kasih AKI BALAPATI…Insya Allah Saya Bersama Keluarga Akan Berkunjung Kerumah Aki Untuk Melihat Aki meditasi Ritual/Meramal Angka Jitu
    Inilah Kisah Nyata Benar-Benar Terbukti Di Keluarga Kami.
    Ramalan AKI Memang Memiliki Ramalan GHOIB Yang Dijamin 100% Tembus..
