This year Indonesia ready to open 4 major airports across the country, ranging from western Indonesia to eastern Indonesia, this policy is relevant to the big program of goverment "Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development 2011-2025" which is renowned as
MP3EI (Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia) to expand economic growth througout the country.
In the western Indonesia, exactly in Medan city as major city economic in western Indonesia is currently building the new airport of Kuala Namu to replace the crowd airport Polonia International Airport to prop the economic growth of Sumatra Island as second major economic after Java-Madura-Bali island as the main major economic for Indonesia.The Kuala Namu itself is expected to have capacity of passenger approximately 30 million passenger which divides into 3 phases development.
Based on data from International Airport Council in 2011 recorded 7.1 million passengers pass through Polonia Airport. This figure is certainly well above its initial capacity of under 1 million. Moreover today Indonesia's economy is growing faster and sustainable.
pict Skycraper City Indonesia |
The second one is the new teminal of Juanda International Airport which is situated in Surabaya, East Java province. The new terminal is expected to support the prior terminal which is increasingly becoming crowd. Moreover the East Java province is one of attractive province in developing economy and becoming major economic for Indonesia.
And based on data from International Airport Council in 2011, serves approximately 13.77 million passengers each year, along Indonesia's economy grows sustainably the growth of passenger is obviously increasing year on year.
pict Skyscraper City Indonesia |
The third one is the new terminal of Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. This new terminal is expected to prop the overloaded terminal and able to serve more the tourist who comes to the Bali Island. By completing the new terminal Ngurah Rai international airport will be able to increase the capacity.
Based on data from International Airport Council, Ngurah Rai Airport in 2011 there have been serving 12.7 million passengers. This figure rose steadily in which the number of passengers in 2009 about 9.6 million people and 2010 as many as 11.1 million people. And absolutely the growth remain stable along Indonesia's economy is growing sustainably
pict Skyscraper City Indonesia |
The forth one is the new terminal of Spinggan International airport which is situated in Balikpapan, the oil rifinery city which is becoming the one of major refinery across the country. That step is also to support the growth of borneo island which is currently renowned as isolated island across the country.
Sepinggan Airport itself based on data from International Airport Council in 2011, has served approximately 5.6 million passengers. This figure continues to increase where in 2009 only about 4.3 million passengers and 2010 amounted to 5.1 million passengers, and of course the figure will remain growth along Indonesia's economy is growing steadily.
pict Skyscraper City Indonesia |
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